Freelance Photojournalist
Born in Hamburg/Germany in 1965, aviation has fascinated me since 1979 (see my Retro page).
I work as a freelance aviation photographer and photojournalist for international aviation magazines and support book projects of well-known aviation authors (Andreas Spaeth, Wolfgang Borgmann, Sebastian Thoma and Matt Falcus) and also online aviation websites (Aeronews, Aviationsource, aeroTELEGRAPH, Aerobuzz, Aerotime, Airwaysmag, Spotterguide, Vintageaviationnews, Civil Aviation Newsletter, Seatmaps) with photos.
My print media clients among others include FLUG REVUE, AERO International, Aerokurier, Fliegermagazin, Klassiker der Luftfahrt (all Germany), Airways Magazine (USA) , Airliner World and Aviation News (both KeyPublishing, UK), Spotter Magazine (Malta) and L+K Aviation and Cosmonautics (Czech Republic).
I am media partner of Swiss intelligence aviation provider
Living in Hamburg, the new produced Airbus aircraft at Airbus Hamburg are the focus of my photography.
Photo trips mainly take me to Southeast-Asia for articles about start-up airlines and trip reports about special flight experiences. Photos and articles about entry-into-service of new types and new deliveries to airlines as well as the old preserved aircraft of yesteryear in Europe and Asia complete my passion for aviation.